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Certificate in Education and Training Courses - via distance learning
HABC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET)

Carnelian Training offers the Certificate in Education and Training distance learning training courses via our unique online package; our package has been designed to systematically guide you through the full qualification.

To complete this qualification you will be required to complete and pass both theory and practical assessments associated with each of the following 5 compulsory Units and 1 Optional unit:


Compulsory Units

• Unit 1 - Understanding roles and responsibilities and relationships in education and training (AET unit 1)  

• Unit 2 - Planning to meet the needs of learners in education and training 

• Unit 3 - Delivering education and training 

• Unit 4 - Assessing learners in education and training 

• Unit 5 - Using resources for education and training


Optional Unit

• You will need to chose any number of the optional Units up to the value of 15 credtis.


Elements of practical assessments require you to be observed delivering sessions, your sessions can be delivered either at our Training Centre or a location of your choice. There will be an additional charge to cover motor mileage if delivered at your choice of location at a rate of £0.40 per mile


Who the Qualification is Suitable For?: - This qualification is suitable for those who work or wish to attain teaching qualifications within the Lifelong Learning Sector, further adult and community education, work based learning and the voluntary sector.


Course Duration: - The flexibility of the course means that you can start at any time, therefore elevating the wait for enrolment or course start dates. The time frame for completion is solely dependent on student commitment. You will be allocated a personal tutor who will provide you with guidance and support throughout the learning journey. average timeframe for completion is 4 months.


Course Fee: - The cost for the CET distant learning course is £950.00 + VAT per delegate which includes access to ongoing tutor support throughout their learning journey and certification. This price does not take into consideration any additional tutor visits which there will be a minimum of 3, charged at £90.00 and any travel costs incurred. We also offer a flexible monthly payment plan; further information on request.


Course Booking - Please use our Contact Page, e-mail or download our Course Application Form


Bespoke - 'In house' training over 5 days can also be arranged subject to minimum number of delegates or a fixed fee. Please call 07890618642, or e-mail

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